Supporting the Government’s Mission to END TB

Mylan - a global pharmaceutical company is setting new standards in healthcare and providing people access to high quality medicine. With a growing manufacturing and commercial presence in India they have also been in the forefront in India’s fight against tuberculosis (TB). As part of the
Government of India’s ‘Aspirational District’ program, Mylan adopted the Bahraich district in Uttar Pradesh. Mylan also signed the Corporate TB Pledge as platinum partner to collaboratively work in TB elimination program.


With an aim to eradicate tuberculosis in Bahraich District, Mylan supported an Active Case Finding (ACF) program in partnership with Niti Aayog and roped in AIDENT organization, as the implementing agency. The Active Case Finding exercise covered 1,235,280 people from five blocks of the district.

Mylan also conducted ‘Continuous Medical Education’ Webinars, amidst the COVID-19 lockdown, as an initiative for all the members of the Karnataka State TB board (STO, DTO, Nodal Officers) to brief stakeholders on the new ‘PMDT guidelines on the treatment of drug resistance Tuberculosis’. Dr Vikas Oswal, an eminent Pulmonologist trained more than 70 participants including State TB Officer of Karnataka, STDC, all the District TB Officers, all the Nodal DRTB Centre Medical Officers, WHO Consultants of Karnataka and the members of the Karnataka State TB Board.

As member of the CTP, Mylan organized a corporate awareness session at their corporate office in Bangalore on June 29, 2019. TB myths and awareness were discussed during the interactive session while sharing several striking stories of TB warriors and survivors. The session had over 300 people in attendance.


In Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh – more than 1 million people were surveyed, sputum of 6070 high risk individuals was tested and 617 positive cases were reported. Over 700 new patients were linked with the public health system.
As a result of the, Mylan corporate pledge program, more than 100 families of Mylan employees have been impacted.

The live webinar training session for the Karnataka State allowed larger participation and reach to build awareness and knowledge on the disease and new guidelines.

Key Lessons

Mylan’s model draws on an active dialogue with the Central and State Government. The interventions respond to the Government’s call to action. This ensured larger impact as the webinar or the ACF exercise was not in silo, and was complementing and strengthening the national TB Programs’
ongoing initiatives.
Support of the CTP secretariat, also ensured the Mylan employees and their families were benefitted from the organizations commitment to ENDTB.